As I was taking my morning constitutional to work the other day, thinking about how I could use the word "reckon'"more in every day conversation, I passed a group of graphic design students. I could tell they were graphic design students because they sported bald heads, ribbed black turtlenecks, khaki pants, thick rimmed glasses, and they corrected me when I mispronounced "Helvetica." As they drank their coffee and clicked away on their Mac powerbooks, I noticed one of the screens had an advertisement for a radio contest. This is how I usually keep up on current events by looking over their shoulders at their screens. The contest mentioned that the winner would get two tickets to see
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull two days before it opened. What the contest entailed was that the participant would have to dress up like Indiana Jones, take a picture, and submit it for ridicule by those ever so clever radio DJ's. I figured since I've always liked Indiana Jones and since I had as good a chance as any to win and since the deadline was that day, and since my coat was caught on something, I decided to enter the contest.
I quickly started a riot by whispering that PC was better than Mac, grabbed a computer and went straight to the internet. Since I wasn't wearing an Indy costume and I didn't have a camera, I googled "Indy costume" and came up with this guy:

I figured that the costume was spot on, but decided the face wasn't as handsome as it could be. I quickly used my mad Photoshop skills and was able to piece together a likeness of me, mainly from photos of Neil Patrick Harris and a Mogwai. To resemble main stream movie posters, I threw in a lens flare and some product placement for good measure. Plus, I figured if some of these big companies got a hold of this image, I could sit back and watch the royalties come pouring in. At the very least, it would boost my chances of winning.

After two hours, I noticed that the fighting was starting to die down. I hurriedly sent the picture, freed my coat, and was on my way. Had I had more time, I would have liked to compose a shot more along these lines.

Perhaps next time. But I reckon' I have a good chance of winning, I reckon'!
Hahaha. That is awesome. I reckon you have a good chance of winning myself.
Highly entertaining. I reckon I will have to start visiting this blog more often again. If only I had an Ipod touch I reckon I could visit this sweet blog anytime!
Ok so this is super nerdy, and by that I mean super cool! You can download icons for your computer folders of Indiana Jones.
I use the diary for my sketches I've scanned. Check it out
Unlike graphic artists this site is both Mac and Pc friendly
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