As I strolled the streets of Portland on the way back from my delicious Mexican birthday lunch, I passed this sign that was sitting on the outside of a used bookstore. I tried to photoshop out the streamer that was blocking the "T" on the sign, but didn't do a very good job. Yes, I share a birthday with Barbra Streisand. This inspired me to research the other greats and events that occurred on my birthday. So I turned to the most reliable source on the internet, Wikipedia, and found, perhaps, some of the reasons that make this day so much more special. Besides Babs being born, other entertainment geniuses included actress Shirley MacClaine, Director Richard Donner, funny man Cedric the entertainer, and American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson. Indeed, I feel fortunate to have been born on the same day of such entertainment giants. On this day in 1967 Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov died in Soyuz 1, the first human to die during a space mission. And who can forget that glorious day in 1990 when Gruinard Island, Scotland was officially declared anthrax free after being quarantined for 48 years.
Not only did this trip down Wikipedia memory lane make my birthday a success but was further enhanced by what really matters, presents. This year I was given a new BBQ grill. Since my previous grill of 15 plus years was cremated due in part to chipping paint and my negligence, it was time to upgrade to a more reliable piece of flesh charing equipment. Although the new grill lacks the years of flavor that the old one had embedded in its meat juiced soaked lava rocks, the new one will serve just fine. I also got a Waist Trimmer.

I think I fit the "most" category.
I also received two gifts that were a nice thought, but are nonreturnable since we don't have the receipts. So if anyone is interested, I have a bag of teeth and a slightly used hobo that I'm willing to part with for a reasonable price. The bag of teeth comes with a certificate of authenticity from the tooth fairy, which could possibly be a forgery, I'm not sure. I was thinking of putting the bag under a pillow and make a fortune, considering what the tooth fairy is paying out these days for teeth, but I figured what good would that do if the tooth fairy is trying to liquidate her surplus. The hobo, again a nice thought but is not working out. He just sits outside our front door and steals all the phone books that are left outside. That's nice, since we seem to get a new phone book once a week, but he also takes our neighbor's and any hang tag coupons we get for the local Chinese takeout restaurant. So if you're interested, we're willing to part with these two items.
Anyway, thanks to all who made my birthday a very special day.
Hahah... I heard about this, sorry I missed your birfday lunch! Why did you nix the flag? It was the best part! Andy, don't be afraid to let your true colors shine.
Hi My Andy, Happy Birthday. It sounds like you had a great birthday. Thanks to me I make it all happen. Love you Mom
I meant I MADE it all happen.
Very amusing. I'm so proud. (salty tear rolls down cheek.)
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