Tuesday, December 05, 2006


A few more gestures from class.


Jed Henry said...

genius stuff, hombre. I am really impressed, and humbled. I heard you did some character designs for the grandpa. whatcha got? I wanna see! word up, jed

Tyler Stott said...

you are the charicature master!!!

you really have a great sense for design!! slick stuff!!! yah post the grandpapa designs!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am blogging about gestures and came across your post. Why the title 'gestures' exactly? Could you explain a bit? Are these 'gesture drawings'? And if so, what separates them from regular sketching?

Andy Erekson said...

Jeroen, thanks for checking out my blog. These drawings were done in a gesture drawing class and that's the only reason I titled them "gestures." At times in the class we are encouraged to get creative and tell a story with a pose and so on. You can call them what you want though.

Unknown said...

these gesture drawings are awesome!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome stuff Andy, wow!!

Brian Cutler said...

You've got some nice stuff going on here. I really like your life drawings.